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MAR Diagnostic Kit for Anti-Sperm Antibody
Semen Leukocyte Peroxidase Staining Kit
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Sperm DNA Fragmentation Staining Kit (Wright-Giems
Sperm DNA Fragmentation Staining Kit (Wright-Giemsa Staining Method)
Generic name: Sperm DNA fragmentation Staining Kit (Wright-Giemsa Staining Method)
10 samples per kit
[Intended use]
Sperm DNA fragmentation shape staining is used for the evaluation of sperm function to evaluate male fertility.
[Test principle]
The kit can be used for the evaluation of sperm function and male fertility. Fresh or frozen sperm is stained after dealt with schizolysis and denaturation, sperm with big halo without fragmentation, sperm with moderate halo, sperm with little halo with fragmentation and without halo, degenerative sperm can be observed.
[Units of Kit]
Solution A, Solution B, Solution C, Solution D, Solution E and primed slide.
Stored at room temperature for 12 months
Optical microscope
Fresh or frozen sperm
[Test method]
(1) Sperm is diluted with PBS to 5 million-10 million/ml;
(2) Solution A dissolute (microwave oven or 90-100℃ for 5 minutes), 37 ℃ for 5 minutes, then mixed equably with 60μl of sperm;
(3) A piece of primed slide is put on 4 ℃ plate (metal or glass plate), after slide cold, 20μl of sepharose sperm is added on the slide and mark the location, then cover with coverslip at 4 ℃ for 5 minutes;
(4) Solution B is mixed equably with 10ml of distilled water in plate; take out of coverslip carefully and horizontally put into solution B at room temperature for 7 minutes;
(5) Take out of slide, horizontally put into plate with 10ml of solution C at room temperature for 25 minutes, put into plate with distilled water for 5 minutes, then respectively put into 70%, 90% and 100% alcohol for 2 minutes, take out and air drying;
(6) Staining: stain with 1-2 drops of solution D for 1 minute, then stain with 2-4 drops of solution E for 3-5 minutes;
(7) Wash slide with purified water, mounting with mounting agent;
(8) Observe 500 sperm shape under optical microscope (400 ×or 1000×)
[Reference Results]
Sperm DNA fragmentation rate >10% is abnormal
[Interpretation of the results Indentified]
Sperm with big halo without fragmentation, sperm with moderate halo, sperm with little halo with fragmentation and without halo, degenerative sperm can be observed.
[Limitations of Test Method]
Sperm should be fresh or frozen
[Product Performance]
Comparison with similar products overseas, Correlation coefficient 0.654, P<0.0001
Staining time should be prolonged if room temperature is too low.
[Medical Device Manufacturing Enterprise License Number] WSYJX 20070120
[The registration Number of Medical Devices] GSYJX (Z) Z2012N1400173.
[Standard Number] YZB0002-2012.
[Manufactured by]
Anhui Anke Biotechnology (Group) Co., Ltd.
Ankebio Buildings, 669, Changjiang Road, West ,Hefei, 230088, P.R. China.
Tel: +86-551-65319890, 65318811